Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Immortality of The Soul

Walking through the narrow paths of the Secret Garden with my children, here is a wonderful quote to end the year and start a fresh one.

The philosopher and scientist, Blaise Pascal, once wrote: “The immortality of the soul is a matter which is of so great consequence to us and which touches us so profoundly that we must have lost all feeling to be indifferent about it.”  The market economist Long Shih Rome' exposition of this passage: the soul of a man carries with him centuries of good and evil that, unless he understands his soul is immortal, he wont be able to harness the inner strength to deal with his soul' inclinations.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Prophecy on Malaysia during The Feast of Tabernacle (Kuching)

Prophecy on Malaysia during The Feast of Tabernacle

(Kuching, 2015 Oct 3 & 4)

Allen Faubion
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Malaysia is a Rainbow Country, in a sense that it is a unique country with diversity. Its diversified races, religions and cultures existed in acceptance, harmony, tolerance and peace.

Malaya gained independence from the British in 1957 Aug 31. Few years later Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah gained independence too and joined Malaya in 1963 Sep 16, thus, the formation of Malaysia. Unfortunately, Singapore left in 1965 Aug 9 and became a Sovereign State.

Many citizens who lived through the old days before 1990 could testify the blessed state as a Malaysian in which every body could enjoy each other. Of course there was the dark age of 1969 May 13 incident which had marred our image. Nevertheless, it had little impact during the days of 1970s and 1980s.

It was sad that eventually the power that be had steered the country into racial and religious extremism. It was getting worse in the last ten years. It was especially serious in the past one year where the government have many unresolved scandals which plagued the country's currencies.

Let us continue to pray for Malaysia. We have confidence that God is in control of our nation. We love Malaysia, we don't play up racial issues. All of us are Malaysians no matter what race you are.

The following is a prophecy for Malaysia.

Date: Oct 3 - 4
Venue: SIB, Kuching
Speaker: Rev. Allen Faubion

Disclaimer: Some people, including Christians, are always critical of Prophecies. They will question the position of the Prophets and labelled them as "Prophets of Doom". However, whether the prophecies came from God is not for us to judge. Prophecies always come with conditions. God requires the Christians to do their parts.

Prophecy for Malaysia:

God is government and the government of Malaysia is upon His shoulders. There will be signs of change at Putrajaya in the next 30 days.

Be ready for economic highs and economic lows for the nation of Malaysia in the coming months. We are in the economic lows, and have great anticipation for economic highs.

Economic highs are in days ahead.  God's plan for Malaysia, until the January of 2016, is for us to shift into the economic highs.

We decree & declare that the Malaysian’s political & economic structures will be adjusted abruptly to God's plan, and there will be no other substitute but everything Godly! Amen!

God's Word is everlasting, and we must stand firm upon HIS Word and the promises of Him for our nation.  God is our source.  We should be at the center of His heart and, above all, STAND FIRM in a time of the nationwide "shifting sand!"

The Year 5776 has the Divine double portion of grace to slay all giants in our path and all mountains looming over our life. Our weapons of warfare are the shofar and the Divine provision for year, a tent peg (Vav/Waw). 

No human has ever seen the fullness of what is ahead but Malaysia will enter her destiny destined by God. 

All will acknowledge our God is Sovereign! 


Friday, July 17, 2015

A Vision For An Embattled Nation Burns Brightly

There is a destiny for each nation. Whether you believe in a loving and just God or in supernatural laws of Providence, we all know, deep in within, that there is a pattern, a state of community in our nation that was planned outside the designs of man.

My country of adoption, Malaysia, is one such nation that desperately needs to see the vision that was intended for her. Of late, she has been humiliated by financial shenanigans in high places, by the erosion of her institutions, by the hardship of fresh economic pressures (Ringgit collapsing by 25% within a year since August 2014) and most importantly, the lack of spiritual direction in a multi-ethnic community.

What are we to do ? Hope for fresh political solutions? The Opposition is fractured by a lack of vision and execution while the incumbent coalition has almost no chance of reform by virtue of its race-based political raison d'etre.

Malaysia Has A Good Destiny!

Since God is good, the plan and destiny that was designed for this nation must be good. Does God care for all that is happening in Malaysia? The lost planes, the oil collapse, the corruption scandals and the intimidation of the press to freely investigate, criticise and analyse. The key focus of every citizen, well almost all if not for the uninformed rural folks, has been the Prime Minister, who faces international and domestic pressures to be transparent about his role in a complex financial disaster. 

Malaysia is strangely resilient despite past crises. This nation has thrived for decades under the weight of an oppressive political structure. Despite some progress in democratic albeit lopsided elections and a contentious parliamentary process, Malaysia has appeared to have persevered without any major social crisis since the national trauma of May 13 1969. But the times are becoming more perilous by the day and the globalists' end game for the nation has already commenced.

Since the political solutions have been exhausted, we may have to look for a non-political solution. True political reform is almost impossible when there is gerrymandering of election boundaries. The only way out of the quagmire is a spiritual revolution in each Malaysian citizen, starting with one individual man or woman (No, it does not depend on Catherine Rewcastle Brown, Tun Mahathir or Anwar).

Christian preachers say, do not look at the storm that is engulfing our boats. Instead turn your gaze to the Creator. And our God is is a living God, Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

The End Game

To understand deeply why this country is facing so many turbulent events (known as shakings) and challenges from all fronts, we need to look at the global geopolitics of the times. The world is at a stage of preparation for a One World Government that will be established through the formation of manipulated crises in each nation and region. Even a small country like Malaysia is not spared. In fact, small countries that have the highest potential to renew itself into a new destiny are the ones that are targeted by globalist forces to be subdued into willing and grateful submission. On the geopolitical economic front, the pressure by the U.S.A. for Malaysia to sign the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement has escalated. (This secret agreement is not only an economic pact but very much a political consent by small nations to submit their sovereign rights to global multinational corporations.)

God's destiny for Malaysia is for this nation to be a haven of harmony for Asian nations. This nation's destiny is to bless the surrounding nations in Asia as they move into their assigned destinies.

Out of chaos, there will inevitably be a new order. Depending on our wisdom and intelligence, that new order can either be for good or for evil. In the face of the ferocity of the enemy of this nation, we have to pray passionately for God's mercy and grace to abound that God will align Malaysia's current destiny to His intentions and final goal. The journey is as perilous as JR Tolkien's fantasy story of the Hobbit's journey to destroy the ring in the Mount Mordor. We are now inside the belly of the earthquake and the decision is ours to take. 

Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Escalation of The Nation's Troubles Will Precede The Great Global Deception

If we are to look around the world today from the macro to the individual level, there seems to be an escalation, an acceleration in disorder. In almost every country and society, there are two themes at work side by side as it were.

On the one hand, we observe economic and political changes that shift the power from one group of people (usually the majority middle class and the lower income groups) to another group (the elite minority who form 10% of the community but control more 70-80% of their wealth). Geopolitically, the destabilisation of the Middle East and the Ukraine, the nationalism and anti-austerity sentiment of the European countries and the spread of ISIS, are making life more complicated and the future extremely uncertain.

On the other hand, there is the gradual emergence of new plans for the one world government whereby a manipulated disorder leads inevitably and logically to a solution offered by the elite, which is ultimately the 'chipping' of every human being for the sake of security, safety and peace.

That solution will usher in the tribulation that the Bible speaks about in the end times, an unprecedented time in the earth's history that will see the height of terror and human suffering at the hands of a distopian, evil government. The Nazi death camps and Pol Pot's genocide will pale in comparison to the twisted cruelties that are being planned.

When will these things happen? Where will it start? Why would an elite, a shadow global government plan these horrible things without any regard for human dignity, nobility and justice. Those very principles and values that have guided mankind through the numerous wars and revolutions are mere empty words for the elite, whose agenda is, for the sake of a better word, demonic in nature. Are people craving for a new philosophy, a new technology, a New Age thinking, a merging between all religions sanctioned by the most popular celebrities? Well, that desperate passion for another world order to replace the current mess of sovereign governments will result in a great deception for mankind.

We all have to wake up fast! We cant wait for wiki leaks or any investigative reporter to reveal the hidden plans and agenda of the shadow elite. There are already too many signs, in terms of non-mainstream reports, insider testimonies, visions and dreams that reveal the existence and plans of the New World Order (NWO). When man abandons God for the sake of a new found independence, a new found power, is he not like the first Adam who took the apple and became cursed as a result of his disobedience against his Creator?

How do all these global developments affect Malaysia? In the past year, the country has been beset by a political storm between two leaders with one opposition leader held captive in jail. Two mysterious airplane disasters have also caused great dismay across the fractured community. There is currently a great fear that things will go out of hand and the country may sink in economic (i.e. collapse in oil prices,weakening currency and GST-induced inflation) and political chaos (splintering of Opposition and Barisan). If things go out of hand with the additional infusion of external chaos (ISIS, regional conflict,etc), the next move may be the entry of a third new coalition party (whether foreign-friendly or funded by a foreign government) that will be a new puppet to the NWO headed by a few well-known characters in the world stage who are already ready and prepared to move into their new roles. Who are they?

The only clues I can provide at this juncture are that they come from the following countries: America, England and Italy. But there will be some kind of trouble coming from the East: Russia and China are also preparing for their roles in the final world drama. Another clue to watch is the U.S. presidential elections 2017. There may or may not be an election in a time of unprecedented changes.

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