Sunday, March 19, 2023

Making Sense of Millennial Professional Workers

What I have noticed in my decades of work-life as a team leader is that there are 3 self limiting challenges of today's young generation of professionals:

(1) Intellectual courage: they are not intellectually courageous enough to take a contrarian stance from the herd mentality  (eg the ready acceptance of narratives like the pandemic origins)

(2) Power of influence: they underestimate their ability to influence and impact their clients/audience/supply chain partners.

(3) Perspective: their passion/energy levels are admirable but they are not inquisitive enough to form a more relevant, more meaningful and more truthful perspective of the world they wish to influence constructively. (their typical response to this is that everyone's values are subjective. But before they come to that conclusion, have they done enough researching or is the response a matter of convenience?)

As a consequence of a much more dynamic and asymetrically changing world in the millennium, these three mental obstacles are being tested severely, and young professionals are pressured to make the right decisions fast. 

In a way, I empathise with their dilemma because in my generation and my parents' generation, we had a more stable, more favourable economic and social environment for patient learning and gradual forming of a world perspective/value system from which we can work out our vocation in life.

Instead, today's generation has to contend with a corporatised, politically biased news media (controlled by big tech companies) and social media that promotes instant distractions and 24/7 entertainment. 

As for the intellectually inquisitive, the answers to modern history's most tragic events (WW2, the Holocaust, Hiroshima, genocide, wars, corruption, evil) are clinically diluted into superficial terms (eg concepts packaged into ism and popular sound bites) that divert young minds from exploring further the truth of the matter. 

Powerful governments, agencies and media  have prioritised issues such as climate change, gender multi-diversity and ESG as if moral and spiritual solutions are not the ways to resolve society's root problems. The solution is always man-centred as if human individuals through social engineering and a new doctrine of a future lifestyle can determine whether we succeed or fail as a society. 

With the advent of AI throughout all aspects of society, we are heading into a world that does not seem dystopian intellectually but actually feels very much so after the initial enthusiasm has worn off.  It is a strange mix of George Orwell's 1984, Aldous Huxley's A Brave New World and Stanley Kubrick's Dr Strangelove. 

The New Myth of Sisyphus

So going back to the challenges facing young people, can they see clearly the path that the 21st century world is taking them? 

As a visual metaphor, I view the dilemma of the current and future young generation as a new myth of Sisyphus. 

In Albert Camus's book, he advocates that we accept the absurdity of life (i.e. the boulder that Sisyphus was condemned to roll up the hill only to have it roll back down and for him to haul it up again repeatedly) and find happiness in our own self-discovery.  

In the new myth of Sisyphus, the boulder for the young generation gets heavier every time it rolls back down the hill. Like the illustration below, the solution is to choose a less steep hill to roll it. That requires removing the thick outer layers of cognitive biases and convenient preconceptions that make the task heavier. 

The longer they accept their fate and not cut through the fake concepts and facile ideologies, the more world events will make the load heavier and eventually crush them. 

At the end of the day, their barriers to the truth (deeper insights into human nature and the world) is self-inflicted. And this means they have to climb a steeper, more frustrating learning curve while at the same time pushing up the rock of world challenges (in their jobs and social lives) that pressurizes them to give up critical thinking.

At the intellectual breaking point when these young people are pressurised to give up critical thinking, they finally submit their assigned decision-making process to AI to solve their moral, economic and professional challenges (eg chat bots like ChatGPT, AI, Generative AI, CBDCs). The process of intellectual and moral submission is a slow one like a frog in boiling water.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

The Asymmetrical Question

Many people I have talked to (especially in discussions with atheists and agnostics) often ask the wrong  philosophical question to Christians:

"Why would your God be so cruel and demanding that He will send you to be punished in Hell if you don't believe in Him?"

The right question that touches on the raw truth of this asymmetrical dilemma for mankind is:

"Why would Satan be so cruel as to kill and torture the souls of people even after they died, knowing  full well that he himself is destined to an even worse fate in the eternal lake of fire?"

Before I answer that question, let us ponder on the nature of evil as we see in the world. There are two related truths about evil:

1. Men and women are perpetrators of the worst unimaginable cruelties & savagery throughout history . No rational explanation can stand up to this part of human nature.

2. If there is an unstoppable evil force in this world, it is best understood as an Artificial Intelligence program that is alive and empowered with the ability to influence and infect the minds, hearts and souls of people.

If we can pause and ponder over these two insights without any intellectual reaction, we will realise that there is no power on earth that can stop the destructive nature of evil except within the domain of the highest supernatural power, and that is God Himself. 

Why is this an asymmetrical dilemma for mankind? 

It is asymmetrical because aligning oneself to unbelief and scepticism over the highest supernatural power has personal and spiritual consequences that cannot be counterbalanced or neutralised or justified by whatever good deeds that we have gifted to the world. 

The absolute and eternal damnation of hell is not designed for mankind but it is for the devil and his army of agents. 

People who are spiritually lost will be guided to the light. But those who seek comfort in the darkness and deteriorate into destructive acts will have lost the fear of hell. 

So the right question to ask is not why is God so cruel. Rather we should ask ourselves, why is the devil so cruel. 

Once you see the weakest blind spot of humanity (the lack of faith in a good, purposeful God), you then realise your purpose in life is to tell the world about the perils of a life without God.

But which God should we put our faith in? The Muslim God? The Jewish God or the Christian God?

That is another question for another day. Suffice to say, you will have a more wholistic, big picture of life once you see the asymmetrical offer of Jesus Christ: 

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. Mathew 22:37-38

To love or not to love our Creator is a choice offered to our free will. But in taking that choice with the full powers at our disposal, we bear the consequences of our decision (faith is a decision, not an idea).

One outcome is the final destiny of Heaven and the other leads to eternal perdition. It is asymmetrical simply because no one, in their right minds, would choose destruction and darkness over life-giving joy and happiness.

Making Sense of Millennial Professional Workers

W hat I have noticed in my decades of work-life as a team leader is that there are 3 self limiting challenges of today's young generatio...