Thursday, March 15, 2018

No Country For Old Warriors

To be a leader of a country is a monumental task not least because of the high pressure seat of power it entails.

If the leader takes a wrong turn or makes a bad decision, it will either cost him his job (as in the advanced nations) or the country ends up bearing the cost.

So we have to pray for our leaders, especially for them to receive wise counsel. Whatever views we have of them, we need to pray they will steer the ship well. If the captain steers the ship into troubled waters or gets lost, dont you think the passengers will also be lost?

Once there was a young man who was crowned king. He was asked  to make a sincere personal wish for his kingdom. He thought a while and wished for wisdom. Sure enough, his prayer was divinely granted and he became known as the wisest man who ever lived. His kingdom flourished and he wrote a book of wisdom to pass on to future generations.

In contrast, there was another king who was also blessed with great wealth and power. His wealth was so great that, one fine day, he boasted to his people he was the source of the country's riches. After that, things started to go downhill for him and he ended up losing his kingdom.

He went into hiding in the forests like a wild man and stayed there for seven years until he finally learnt his lesson.

Lesson for the Head of State:
Take stock of what you have done for your country and ask God how your scales are weighed in His sight. Have you stood up to the position granted to you by your countrymen?

Or having fallen short of God's expectations, you remain stubbornly proud and unrepentant of your mistakes?

Lesson for the Opposition leader:
Take a deep breath and look at the world at large. Are you truly sincere in offering an alternative to the ruling administration? Is your motive to truly serve the country or to fulfill your personal ends either for yourself or your group of supporters?

Have you not seen how pride and self exaltation in those who hold the reins of power has brought down kings and queens?

The eyes of God are ever-seeing and His judgment will be swift if you secretly plant seeds of discord in the night. Old warriors with cunning plans will remain in the shadows until their hearts are changed.

Lesson for the citizens: 
Pray for your leaders and your nation that wisdom, good governance and justice (in every aspect of a multi ethnic society) is restored and ingrained into the roots of your land.

Most of all, turn strongly away from your sins, both known and unknown, with a repentant heart so that God in Heaven will have mercy on you and your nation. Cry out to Him and ask Him to forgive you for allowing the nation to be besieged by unscrupulous characters.

For you were raised in this country for a time such as this. And each one of you has a hand in shaping the destiny of your nation.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

A Great Year of Resonated Sound: 2018

The year 2018 is a special year of rapid transformation and resonation. So be prepared to run with it or be overtaken by a whirlwind year.

It is going to be a roller coaster of surprises in either way: a rapid acceleration in insights and wisdom or a sudden malfunction in our moral compass, leading to a crash, both spiritually and emotionally.

And for many, this will be the worst time to be ignorant of what is happening in the world today. Whether we stand as passive bystanders or make a move, we will make a difference to the course of history.

How does this happen? It is through our thoughts and the power of our words and actions that we affect/resonate the world around us.

It seems like a great battle is being prepared to start soon and the two armies: the good against the evil are lined up and battle ready.

When we declare the purposes of our very existence to the air around us, it seems that the sound of our spirit will resonate either in the good army or the evil army.

There is no middle ground between good and evil. All passive lukewarm people who have no idea what or who they are will  eventually be caught up in the coming chaos.

Already in the first two months of the year, two significant events have occurred:

- a market crash following a rise in interest rates with a new US central bank chief and
- the self-annointment of a new emperor for life following the end of China's two term rule for the President post.

Do we know what these events signify? Perhaps nothing much for now. But who knows what seeds are being planted and what strange fruit will emerge in the near future.

Watch, listen and stay in humble prayer throughout the year. And from the quiet of your meditation, resonate the sound of your life into the air. Declare your allegiance in the final battle over man's soul.

To paraphrase Charles Dickens: it is both the worst of times and the best of times, depending on where you stand.

Making Sense of Millennial Professional Workers

W hat I have noticed in my decades of work-life as a team leader is that there are 3 self limiting challenges of today's young generatio...