The challenges for the church today is to overcome 6 temptations/deceptions:
1. the deception of the prosperity gospel where we are encouraged to strive for worldly goods.
2. the temptation to be lukewarm, neither hot nor cold. i.e. allowing anxiety and worldly values to erode our faith and purity of heart.
3. the temptation to have a judgmental spirit against people who disagree with our values/views.
4. the temptation to be caught up in doctrinal and theological issues that water down the full glorious mystery of the Bible.
5. the deception to focus on works and not grace.*
6. the temptation to forget that God wields the power of grace and judgement for those who reject and disobey Him.
And before we turn our gaze to the state of the churches worldwide, to what extent have Malaysian churches and Christians been led astray by the above?
* According to Kenyan prophet Dr Owuor, "the entry into heaven is not an earthly reward based on the works of man, but a heavenly gift based on the grace of God Almighty."